Dean of Students
University ID Cards
All students are required to have an MSU-Northern North Card. ID pictures are taken
at the beginning of each semester and periodically throughout the semester through
the Dean of Students in SUB 204. Faculty and Staff are also encouraged to have a North
The North Card is the property of Montana State University-Northern. The North Card is non-transferable and must be used under the provisions prescribed by MSU-Northern. The North Card is used in the following locations on the MSU-Northern campus; University Food Service, Vande Bogart Library, to access gym and athletic facilities and for entrance to certain student functions. Students are also required to show University identification when requested by University officials.
Faculty, Staff and students are given the first North Card with no charge. If damaged, lost or stolen a replacement fee of $10.00 will be charged. For more information contact the Dean of Students in Cowan Hall 213.