304 University Facilities Planning Board
Section 300: Committee Composition
Effective: September 2002
Revised: November 2021; October 2024
Last Review: October 2024
Next Review: October 2026
Responsible Party: Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Director of
Facilities Services
The University Facilities Planning Board (UFPB) serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and will develop and recommend priorities and maintain policies related to the development and utilization of campus facilities and grounds.
All University committees whose primary function relates to the role of this Board shall be formed by and report to this Board. All proposals generated by individuals, groups or committees that relate to the role of the Board shall be reviewed by the Board for recommended action to the Chancellor.
Duties of the Board:
- Review and participate in establishing priorities for the MSUN Long Range Building Program.
- Review and recommend action on the development of all new building and structures.
- Coordinate the development and review of the Campus Design Guidelines.
- Review and recommend action on all remodeling requests that necessitate changes in physical configuration of space in major public areas.
- Review and recommend action on all proposed major changes to the campus grounds, including pedestrian, vehicular, parking, lighting and signage systems.
- Review and recommend action on classroom renovation scope and priority.
- Provide conceptual architectural review of projects to assure consistency with overall campus development.
Note: The Board does not review the following items:
- Day-to-day buildings and grounds maintenance items.
- Interior remodeling or renovation except classroom renovation and those in major public spaces are not reviewed by the UFPB but must be accomplished through the office of Facilities Services.
- The placement of furnishings and equipment in a space when that equipment is not fixed or does not require space modification.
- Traffic and parking regulations.
Committee Members:
Member | Start |
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | Co-Chair |
Director of Facilities Services | Co-Chair |
Dean-College of Technical Sciences (COTS) | Perm |
Dean-College of Arts & Sciences, and Education (CASE) | Perm |
Dean-College of Health Sciences (COHS) | Perm |
Vice Chancellor of Student Success | Perm |
Director of Athletics | Perm |
Chief Information Officer | Perm |
Student (appointed by Student Senate) | Reappoint every 2 years |
Student (appointed by Student Senate) optional | Reappoint every 2 years |
Member at-Large (appointed by Dean of COHS) | Reappoint every 2 years |
Member at-Large (appointed by Dean of CASE) | Reappoint every 2 years |
Member at-Large (appointed by Dean of COTS) | Reappoint every 2 years |
Classified Staff Member | Reappoint every 2 years |
AD HOC Committees may be formed from time to time to study specific issues, such as parking, lighting, signage, space allocation, or any other issues related to the purview of the Board or as directed by the Chancellor.
Participation: The active participation of each UFPB member is crucial to the conscientious execution of the Board's duties. While regular attendance is important, the active participation requirement can be met through the use of authorized proxies and timely communications with the UFPB Co-Chairs. The Board reserves the right to replace members who do not adequately participate in the activities of the Board.
Policy 903.1 University Property and Facilities Rental
Policy 903.4 Space Assignments & Management