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MSU-N History The 2004-2005 75th Anniversary Celebration |
Memories What was college life like "back then?" How "good" were the "good old days?" What was your most remarkable memory of Northern? Did you meet your future spouse here? What great and wonderful stories do you have to share with us? Here are some of the memories of Northern that people shared with us. On January 25th, 2005, Deb Carver O'Neil wrote: I have many memories from NMC. The best was meeting the man that would become my husband. That is a memory that we add to each day. I loved working at the library with Lesley Butler. We created a display about the history of NMC which enabled me to spend time with my favorite instructor, Mr. Hagener. Working on the Student Activities Board with Jack Bogacz was delightful and character building. His slide shows at the end of the year were always such a hit! I was a member of Spurs and the singing Valentines are vivid in my memory. The automotive department was especially fun because the instructor would line all of the guys up and have the man of honor stand in the middle while we sang. My roommates and friends are still a very large part of my life and I thank NMC for the education and the lasting memories. Alum? Yes On January 12th, 2005, Ray Watson wrote: A Memorable Moment at Northern Year/Degree: 1953, 2 Yr. college -- no degree On December 17th, 2004, Emmy Olson wrote: Overall, I had a great time and lots of experiences at Northern. I enjoyed going to class, meeting new people, and especially playing volleyball. I miss college so much and definitely am thankful for the wonderful friendships I have made! Alum? Yes On December 15th, 2004, Larry J. Williams wrote: I loved the old "Goose". I learned to drive it and would go to the railroad depot to pick up arriving students. We also drove it in the parades and to football games. I recently was viewing some old 8 mm movies that I took in 1958 on the campus of NMC. There were shots of the homecoming parade and of the "Goose". My years at Northern were then -- and still are some of the best times of my life. Alum? Yes On December 14th, 2004, Sharon Buell Pocock wrote: Two most memorable memories @ MSU Northern were:
Alum? Yes On December 9th, 2004, Sherry M. Winn wrote: There were many fond memories of the days that I coached the Skylights. I loved every day that we practiced, because the players gave such incredible intensity to every drill they ran. I cannot single out a best moment, because there were so many highlights during the five seasons that I coached. We won five Frontier Conferences, attended five national tournaments, and won the National Championship in 1993. While the wins were significant, it was the players who made it so special. I still hear from many of them. There is not a day that goes by that I don't feel blessed for having the opportunity to have coached the Skylights. It was a special time in my life. Alum? No On December 8th, 2004, Bob Knutson wrote: Too many to list, Northern ROCKS - miss the old place Alum? Yes On December 8th, 2004, Kristine (Weyh) Dramstad wrote: When I entered as a Freshman in the Fall of 1965, I was excited most about meeting new people and made many friends who lived on campus. I think my real major that I hoped to attain was the Mrs. Degree. I did meet my husband that year and were married in 1968. We are still married and are still in Havre. I have been at the college for 33 plus years and am very proud to be a part of Northern's legend. My husband, Rex, retired from the Havre Police Department and now works at the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Headquarters (Department of Homeland Security) in Havre. We have one grandchild and are spoiling him rotten. It truly has been a remarkable journey for me. Being a part of the many changes and advancements that have taken place over the years, the friends and co-workers that have come and gone, and the faculty and administrators I have known and worked with (and for) are memories that I will cherish forever. I would not be where I am today with out their continued support and guidance. Alum? Yes On December 7th, 2004, Rich Winters wrote: To a guy from the Eastside of Chicago, the bustling town of Havre, Montana looked like a Hollywood sound stage. Streets clear of clutter, tidy storefronts, rust free vehicles and warm, friendly people stretching from the Great Northern Beanery all the way to Beaver Creek. The Orpheum, Lyric and Havre theatres. The Hub, Owl drug, Marra's Meats, Buttreys, Super Save, Safeway, the ladies at Vita Rich Dairy, Danny's Saloon and the "scope-a-tone". Harrison Lane, Dr. Craig, Bill Lisenby, Pinky the janitor and "Gundy's" Social Studies classes. Coaches Chuck Ross, Ted Kato, Tom Reynolds, Tom Neilsen and Arnie Keck. Doc White and Ms. Ophus. Bobby Vinton's concert, the "Goose" and Michael Simeone's food service. Panty raids at Cowan Hall. Charlotte Flickinger. Adolph Klies and Ralph Frank. 2s draft status, Lee's Tavern and Dr. Jim Elliott. McClain's grocery, Father Penna, Patterson's Clothing, Blacks Jewelry, Overcasts' Northside barbershop. Angstman Motors and Clyde's In-Out drive in. Judge Leon Stallcup, Hjalmer’s and Tiger Evans' service stations. Casey the bike-riding paper boy. Homecoming victories and precarious mountain bus rides. The Mule Barn. THANKS for the memories Havre and NMC. Alum? Yes On December 7th, 2004, Bob Olson wrote: I had many wonderful times at Northern. One of the most memorable was when I took a Contemporary History class from Dick Vanderpool. One of Dick's requirements was that in order to get an A in his class you had to do a term paper and/or oral presentation based on your term paper otherwise you couldn't get an A even if you had a 100% average. I had an A average so I decided to do the term paper. Being a typical college student I put it off until the last week of the quarter. As a result I had to stay up 72 hours straight to get it typed up and turned in on time. I wasn't much of a coffee drinker back then but I went through more pots of coffee than I would normally drink in a month just to stay awake. I was exhausted by the time I finished the report, so I took a cold shower to stay awake and then jumped in my Corvette and headed for the college. My report was on the history of contemporary music. I gave an oral report and played some records to help illustrate some of the bands and musicians I reported about. I hadn't finished my report when the bell rang signaling the end of the class. I got a standing ovation and the class asked if they could stay and listen to the rest of the report. Dick Vanderpool said yes and many of the students stayed and listened to the rest of it. I went immediately home afterwards and slept for 17 hours straight. When Mr. Vanderpool handed back my written term paper he gave me an A+ and had a note on their that it was almost good enough for a Master's Thesis. I couldn't believe it so I went in and asked him about it. He said all I needed was a little more research and a few more footnotes. This was in 1973. Dick had his Master's Degree at this time and I asked him if he minded if I asked him a personal question. He said no, so I asked him how much he made. His answer was $16,000.00. I was only a freshman in college at the time but I knew I could be making $16,000.00 a year within 3 years without finishing college. So I quit college and worked in the paint and glass business until 1989. I had hurt my back playing football and working in the construction business only made it worse. It got so bad that I could no longer work construction. So I returned to Northern later in life and received my Degree in 1989. Alum? Yes On December 6th, 2004, Bob Waldron wrote: I was impressed with the curriculum at MSUN - I had no idea what a program you have there. I have been pointing this out to my high schoolers who are looking at a college to go to when they graduate. Alum? Yes On December 6th, 2004, Alma Shettel Seidel wrote: Donaldson Hall was home for two years and what wonderful experiences we had with so much fun with fellow classmates. The first trip to the dining room where it was very formal was quite an experience for most of us. We had hostesses at each table who dished up our food. We all took turns being hostesses. Some of the girls served as waitresses and were dressed in matching uniforms. What a super learning experience for events that would be part of our lives in later years. Every Wednesday dinner was a dress up (nylons and dresses) affair and once or twice a year, the boys would be invited to put their suits on and join us for dinner. When I sat at the head table at the Senate Caucus Room in Washington D.C., believe me those experiences surfaced as to knowing what to do in this formal setting. We all loved Kickie, the cook, and kept in contact with her until her death many years later. She was an adopted Grandma. We would have dorm meetings and parties. The Christmas parties and serving as pixies to a dorm mate for a couple weeks made for festive tradition. There was also the kitchen in the rec room in basement where we could do a little cooking or play some table tennis. The wonderful friendships that I made over fifty years ago continue today. There is a group of NMC alumni who gather every September to renew acquaintances and relive our NMC days. I met my spouse while attending NMC but he was not a student, however he was a friend of a student who thought we should meet. While we were living in Donaldson Hall we watched with careful eyes the progress in the building of Cowan Hall. A few classes were held in Cowan Hall during our sophomore year, but probably best memories are the roller skating parties we would have in the room that is now the Little Theatre. Dr. Brockmann was president during our years and his wife taught a weaving class that I took with Mr. Bill Lisenby and others. I believe it was only offered for a short time, but it was a good experience. Our geography class was held in the farm building which was little more than a garage. It was located in the area of the farm building. The library was located in the Presbyterian church on Fourth Avenue and Seventh Street. Yes, we only had ten minutes between classes to walk to the library class and ten minutes to get to next class on campus. East Hall was used for art and music classes plus it also contained the business office. The Student Union Building was just a small building which was torn down to build present building. Dances were held there. At one of the dances, the chairman was working hard for fundraising. A set of car tires came through the auction and he decided that they would fit his car, so he bid them in. Thinking he had made a really good deal by getting these tires, he went to his car only to find his car up on blocks. The tires had been taken from his car. Basketball games were held at the old Havre High gym. We girls would walk down and cheer the team on. There were very few cars parked at the dorm. Off campus entertainment was usually at the Lyric or Orpheum Theaters located on First Street. The Lyric had a cheaper rates than Orpheum. It was quite a walk from dorm to theaters, but we would go in a group and have fun along the way. There was also the College Inn on the curve just off campus that we would occasionally visit for a special treat. Certainly I would not trade my experiences at NMC. The memories and friends are worth a million. Alum? Yes On December 6th, 2004, Vicke (Caves) Larson Schend wrote: As I entered into my sophomore year at NMC, I clearly remember the sadness of not returning to live in Donaldson Hall, but the excitement of moving to a brand new women's dormitory with all it's "luxuries", except for not having sinks in our rooms. With this change to the new dorm, came changes that as Dorm President needed to be lobbied to with the President and the Dean of Students. The biggest issue was letting boys come up to the various floors and into our rooms. Coming from a small rural school, I'd had no past experience in representing a large body of women to the likes of Dr. Crowley and Cindy Bryson. I always credit their gracious manner in helping me develop confidence in expressing my opinions. Thanks to NMC for everything you've done for me! Alum? Yes On December 6th, 2004, Carol DiNatale wrote: I carry the fondest memories of Northern. Always will! However when I started it was Northern Montana College. From the basement of the SUB when Chad Peck and I worked on the NOMOCO into the long hours of the night, working at the Information Desk in the SUB with Denise Brewer (Hi Denise!) and Mssrs. Bill Lanier and Bill Brosmer, Dr. Gilmartin's classes, Dr. Sylvester's history classes when he would read to us from the headlines of the paper and we would look at him wondering what he was up to, Dr. Sly and I arguing about issues through the paper, Dr. Wiberg's classes, I could go on...but I think I can sum it up with the friendships and bonds that I forged and still maintain, Northern holds good memories for me. GO LIGHTS! Alum? Yes On September 14th, 2004, Adrienne Swartz wrote: Everything about my time at Northern was a wonderful experience. The year that sticks out the most was the year I was a cheerleader. Even though we weren't always the best team, it felt great to see the pride that we as a community hold for Northern. Another exciting time was when I was researching archives for the University Relations Department to help with the 75th Anniversary. It was amazing to see how far Northern has come and the changes that made our campus what it is today. Alum? Yes On September 10th, 2004, Frank Kerins Interim President of NMC, 1989-1990,wrote: This is a note to let you know that Mary and I will be unable to join in the celebration on Northern's 75th anniversary next week. We had hoped to attend; the reason for this late response is that we wanted to work out the schedule. We had even decided that we wanted to ride in the "Galloping Goose." We do appreciate the invitation. Northern will always have a very special place in our hearts. Our very best wishes to you and everyone there on this wonderful occasion. On September 5th, 2004, H. Warren Gardner Interim President of NMC, 1977-1978, wrote: My family and I recall our Havre days with great fondness, with such good friends on campus as well as in the community. It was great to be associated with and working alongside leaders such as Tom and Gail Reynolds, Charlie Clikeman, Keith Clawson, Nancy Vanderpool among others, as well as the many fine and dedicated faculty members. And we are delighted with the many changes, improvements and progress that the campus has made over the years. We realize that many of these did not come without pain, but the fact Northern is flourishing today is a great credit to you all who have provided leadership there. Have a great anniversary and we look forward to a future visit once again to the campus. On August 25th, 2004, Stacy Vinberg wrote: Just trying to fill out the "year and degree attained" portion was tough after all these years. Had to think a bit on that????? It seems like yesterday that I walked those sidewalks and sat in those classrooms, but in fact, it's been 14 years since graduating. Time gets away. My most profound memory of Northern was being an RA and working with all the other RAs at the time. Larry, Amy, Van, Tammy, Bob, Ross, Dennis, Deb -- we had a great time working those halls and late night shifts...hope all of them are doing well as I've lost contact with them. My other good memories are of the faculty and staff with whom I worked and studied. Thanks to Dr. Barber for apparently making business law so interesting to me that I went on to law school!!! I hope all of you have a great time celebrating the 75th!! Alum? Yes On August 6, 2004, Barb Coffman wrote: Many thoughts and remembrances come to mind (17 years worth already yikes, no wonder my hair is getting gray).
Alum? Yes |
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